Bird watching in Cameroon

Located in the dense forested area of central Africa, Cameroon boasts a diversity of biotopes ranging from the mangroves, coastal lowland jungles, montane forests in the North West and vast savannah plateau in the northern region. An eco-system as rich is home to an enormous range of avifauna.  As record of more than 900 species for the entire country is recorded- of which 26 are typically endemic species. Be sure there is something to enjoy on Cameron Tours, something as interesting as the Cameroon Gorilla Adventures…Birding in Cameroon

Birding tours in Cameroon

A typical

bird watching tour


Cameroon tourists

can take a minimum of 2 weeks trekking the lowland jungles, mountain forests and also visiting the different gazetted birding areas around the country.  It is important to get a good Cameroon tour operator for

birdwatching trips

or book a local guide for the adventure. Visits to the parks and other gazetted birding areas require purchase of entry tickets .

Mount Cameroon

The trek on Mount Cameroon is a task enough for birding tours in Cameroon. This 4100m as mountain is the second highest mountain in Africa boasting a wide range of both flora and fauna. The unique habitat for birds on the foot slopes boasts more than 100 different species of birds.

Some of the regular sights include Western Montane Greenbul, African hill babbler, Cameroon Sunbird, Robi chat, yellow breasted bou bou, Green Longtail, little oliveback, Mount Cameroon Speirops, Oriole Finch, mount Cameroon francolin and Thickbill Finch to mention a few.

The birding habitat ranges from savannah grass, forested woodlands and shrubs. A typical tour of birds on Mount Cameroon could last for more than 3 days.

Accommodation is available at Limbe beach Hotel and from Hotel La Falaise Douala. Meals and dining is exceptional for both hotels


Limbe is a small resort near the coast on the foot slopes of Mount Cameroon. The resort boasts the famous botanical gardens, a lush habitat for some endemic species like the African Finfoot, sunbirds, Carmelites, greenbuls, Weavers, Cassin’s flycatcher, western blue bill and many others.

Accommodation is available at the classic Seme Beach hotel located at the beach with a wide range of tourist and holiday facilities. Prior booking may not be priority although very important for overnight accommodation.

Korup Park

Korup National Park is one of the most gifted birding areas in Cameron with a list of more than 300 bird species recorded for only this part of the country. Bird watching in Korup park is recommended during the early morning hours as birds visit the river and water streams

Enter the park via a long hanging bridge over the Mana River, one of the few places in Cameroon where you see the Rock Pratincole, hornbills, Grey-necked Picathartes, Malachite Kingfishers nad many over water loving birds.

Greenbuls like Ictarine, Xaviers, Golden, Spotted, Redtailed and Honeyguide Greenbuls are a common sight in the riverine forests while other sights include the Cassin’s Spinetail , Rufous-sided Broadbill, Firecrested Alethers, African paradis fly catchers, red bellied flycatcher, Blue throated Roller, Square tailed Sawwing, Bare-cheeked Trogon and different species Drongo’s and Malimbes.

Overnight accommodation is available in basic huts in the Rengo Camp overlooking a clear river. Another option is available at a hotel in Mundemba

For the evening trips, sights of the Night Swallows and Owls are common around the Rengo Camp.

Benoue National Park

Birding in the savanna woodlands of Benoue National Park is one interesting trip for Cameroon Holidays. Regular bird sights in the park include the Bruce’s Green Pigeon, Lesser Blue-eared Starling, Senegal Parrot, and Black-bellied Firefinch. Other interesting sights around the park include Adamawa Turtle Dove, Gray Pratincole, the striking Egyptian Plover, Emin’s Shrike, White-crested and Violet Turacos, Bearded Barbet, Grasshopper Buzzard, Stone Partridge, Abyssinian and Blue-bellied Rollers, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Senegal Eremomela, and White-throated Francolin.

Accommodation is available in the Campement de Buffle Noir, which also doubles as one of the best birding areas in the park.

Mount Kupe

Mount Kupe is rated high among the popular birding destinations in Africa. The mountain is covered in lush forests and enormous undergrowth. Several streams and rives cross through the valleys on the mountain attracting a wide range of birds and animals alike.

Catch sight of the Black Coucal, Congo Serpent Eagle, Sabine’s Spintail Babbler, Bate’s Sunbird, Bar-tailed Trogon and White-tailed Warbler.  The Mount Kupe Bush Shrike is an endemic species discovered here in 1949 with another habitat found inBakossi Mountains 15km away from Kupe. Only 7 breeding couples exist on Mount Kupe thus categorized as endangered species.

Take some time off and stop by Lake Barombi, a crater lake near Kumba. Overnight accommodation is in a guesthouse at Nyasoso.

Manengouba crater lake (man lake)

The caldera at the old volcano of Manegouba is filled with lush grass growing on the shores of two crater lakes. The caldera is home to several grassland bords including the  Plain backed Pipit, Grassland Pipit and Long legged Pipit. Several species of animals are also found in the caldera thus birds of prey are a regular sight here.

Other species of birds in Manegouba include water birds like the Black African duck, Blue breasted bee eater and Cisticola.

Other interesting bird watching sites in Cameroon include the

Bamenda Highlands

common for sights like the Ross’s Turaco, Gray-winged Robin Chat, Spotted Thrush Babbler, Puvel’s Illadopsis, and the charismatic Oriole Warbler, while forest edge and marsh could produce Marsh Tchagra, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, and Dybowski’s and Brown Twinspots.


 is a good place to find the Schlegel’s Francolin, Black-necked Weaver,  Brown-chested Lapwing, White-collared Starling, White-breasted Cuckoo-shrike, Western Violet-backed Sunbird, Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver, and Black-capped Babbler. Spend the night at Ngaoundaba Ranch.