Mwingi reserve is one of the three Kenya reserves located in the Mount Meru region that is often referred to as the Meru conservation Area (MCA) in northern eastern Kenya. This reserve shares borders with Kora National Park, Meru National Park and finally Bisandi National reserve.
The total area covered by the Mwingi reserve is 755 square kilometers in a landscape that majorly comprises of open savannah, acacia woodlands and rivers. The total area covered by the Meru Conservation Area is estimated to be 440osq km
Since the park is total bordered by the other reserves, it is often visited by the different animals from neighboring parks and reserves. Some of the animals found in Mwingi National Reserve (formerly Kitui North National Reserve) include crocodiles, hippos, caracal, elephant, lion, leopard and several species of antelopes. The population of game in this reserve is however limited.
This reserve is the least accessible of all the parks in Meru Conservancy Area. Tourists often visit the park on horse riding safaris, camel riding and limited options for game drives. The Kenya Wildlife service runs the park and allows for fly camping and safari game walks with a trained guide.
Other attractions in the area include Kampi ya Simba- the former home of Joy and George Adamson and their famous lioness Elsa, the Adamson falls, fishing on Tana river and safaris to neighboring national parks and reserves
Getting there
Mwingi National reserve is located in Mwingi district in north eastern Kenya. The road to the reserve and Meru Conservation Area passes through Thika, and Kyuso Village. An alternative route is through Meru National Park on Adamson Bridge.
There are efforts by the Mwingi County council to increase accessibility to this Kenya reserve and building walking trails in the reserve together with the Kenya Widlife Association
There is no accommodation within the park but safari accommodation is available in Meru National Park, Kora National reserve and in the neighboring towns of Thika and Mwingi. Camping is allowed in the park for designated areas