Mediterranean Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve stretches from Morocco in Africa to Spain in Europe. This bi0-sphere is managed under the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program that was started in 2006 to educate and research on the different species flora and fauna in the region
The two countries share a cultural heritage, ecology region and similar geological systems thus have an important role to play in conservation programs for the bio-sphere. There are several national parks and vital agricultural regions in the bio-sphere that are important to the wealth and tourism of the different countries. Morocco National parks and reserves found within the inter-continental bio-sphere include Talassemtane National Park, Koudiet Taifour, Lagune de Smir, Jbel Bouhachem and Jbel Moussa. On the Spanish side are Del Estrecho, Sierra de las Neive, Sierra de Grazalema and Los Alcornocales National Parks
The conservation efforts have brought many tourists to the Moroccan village communities and this has improved the livelihood and incomes of the people near the reserve.
From the conservation program of the Mediterranean Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve, communities from Spain and Morocco are committed to the education of the public, research of the different species in the biosphere, promoting development in biodiversity conservation and supporting socio-economic growth. Communities are also involved in training, management and the monitoring of the reserve.