Flights to Sao Tome Principe

Travel to Sao Tome

and Principe by flights comes with a few options. You can book flights from London, Portugal or Gabon and later find a flight ticket to Sao Tome and Principe.

TAP Air Portugal

has weekly direct flights to Sao Tome from Lisbon and STP with Saturday departures from Lisbon, Portugal

Other airlines with

flights to Sao Tome and Principe

include Air Service, Angola Airlines and CEIBA with 3 flight departures a week from Libreville via port Gentil in Gabon, Luanda, Sal, and Lagos. There are no direct flights from America, Asia and the Middle East but you can connect from Portugal and other airports across West Africa.

There many ways of securing

cheap flights to Sao Tome and Principe

online and through a travel and tour operator. Thoroughly check with different flight schedules for the cost of direct Sao Tome flights or flights via other towns and cities. Recommend travel and holidays to Sao Tome and Principe during off peak season for cheap flights and

airlines to Sao Tome


Alternatively, travel to Sao Tome and Principe via cruise or passenger boat to the port and book cheap travel by minibuses and taxis to drive you around town.  The roads are quite bad and use of 4WD vehicles is recommended.

This island offers a few local resorts to enjoy the summer breeze, but most notable is the

luxury five-star Hotel Miramar with

full sized pool, excellent service, well stocked bar, restaurants serving both European and African cuisine and beautiful lawn backyards.