This park is located in the south central region of Zambia and rests downstream away from the Kariba Dam along the banks of river Zambezi, just beneath the Victoria Falls. The river stretches to over a mile in some places and the current is usually less energetic as sit flows towards Mozambique.The pak is bordered by the spectacular escarpment in the north and the Mana Pools of Zimbabwe in the south. The lower Zimbabwe is a haven mystifying and numerous animals and offers a number of activities to partake.
A Travel Guide To Lower Zambezi Park
It is indisputable that this is among the finest destinations to view animals from the water. After spending time on your vehicles you will takes canoes on the water to have a bonus and memorable view of game. In addition, the Zambezi is among the top places for tiger fishing which are believed to be the strongest ever fighting fish species in the world. The place is visited by both strong devotees and armature travelers.
Game drives are another interesting activity although in some areas the animals are still timid. Usually, large herds of buffaloes opt to congest the river banks especially as the dry season comes in, this attracting very many predators such as hyenas and the strong lions. Of late, wild dogs and leopards are seen in this vivid area. Fascinatingly, there is no sign and there have never been any giraffes in this area in addition to the cheetahs.
Mana-pools in the southern region of the river in Zimbabwe is well known as a superb trekking area just like the lower Zambezi. The riverine forest which dominates this landscape and is characterized by a mixture of big fig trees, acacia and ebony trees is an excellent haven for the numerous elephants in this area. Large herds of elephants are usually seen heading to the river and its tributaries to wallow and have a drink. The camps are normally located under the shady-fruit trees which the elephants enjoy so extra caution should be taken while you walk to and fro your tent.
Places To Visit
The latest established park in Zambia is
lower Zambezi national park
and at the moment it is still undeveloped although its beauty is credited to its natural environment. There are not as many different species of animals as it is in other older parks but you will be able to catch sight of the wondering animals moving to and fro the Zambezi Channels. The park is located just opposite the popular
Mana Pools Reserve
in Zimbabwe so both sides of the river bank are a haven for wildlife.
The edge of river Zambezi is projected with a dense riverine perimeter of majorly ficus, diasporus and many more riverine species. Moving inland is a flood plain with mopane and scattered winter thorn trees and acacia albida. The hills in the background of the park are covered with broad-leaf woodland.
the lower Zambezi National park stretches over a total of 4,092 sq. km with most of the game congested around the valley floor. The escarpment found in the northern region acts as a physical barrier to a number of animals in the park. Large herds of elephants some totaling to 100 are usually seen at the river banks in addition to water bucks and ‘island hopping’ buffaloes. The park also congregates large numbers of leopards and lions, and you will also be able to hear the distant cry of the Fish Eagle.
Things To Do
Fishing is a common activity along the river Zambezi and among the common species are the strong tiger Fish and the vundu which is a member of the common catfish family and weights approximately 50 kilograms. This fish is cheap but very smelling therefore strongly scented soap is a good remedy.Canoeing is a must partake activity. There are full day canoeing trips offered by the lodges located in the park. You have the leisure to sail down the river and they collect you in a speed boat back to your lodge.
A number of safari operators arrange their trips to last between 3 to 5 days. Nights spent in bush camps by the river banks are very comfortable, and you are greatly recommended to miss only if you must. The strong river current can sweep you down its course with minimal effort. You will be lead down the isolated channels that lay between the numerous islands by the river guides and while there you will be guaranteed to have a spectacular and close view of game.
The commonest animals you will be able to view in the comfort of your traditional canoe are the hippos, zebras, buffalos, elephants, baboons, kudu, puku, and Impalas.
The ecological element of the lower Zambezi national park, the esteemed Tiger Fish and the Chiawa Game Management Area Support are some of the places that Anglers will be eager to visit as they have a generally large mammal population. The plateau and escarpment areas are quite inaccessible and have never been officially surveyed.
The small valley floor is habitat to the larger mammals such as the elephants, hippos, zebras, buffalos, crocodiles, warthogs, waterbucks, impalas and kudu. And once in a while the eland, the Samango monkeys and the roan are seen. Among the resident nocturnal animals are hyenas, civet, honeybager, porcupine and genet.
Birdwatching In Lower Zambezi Park
There is an outstanding bird life on the river bank. A number of birds including the Fish Eagle can be herd singing in the far distance. On the cliffs are the and the white fronted carmine bee-eaters. Other bird species include the crested-guinea fowl, large groups of quelea, red winged practincole and black eagles. During summer time, dramatic narina trogan nest in this area. Other unique species are the Meyer’s parrot, Lillian’s lover bird and the trumpeter hornbill.
The most ideal time for these tours is between June and September, although all canoe and lodge operators are available between April to November. You can benefit most from fishing expeditions during the months of September and October.Lower Zambezi offers the best safari lodges at an affordable rate.